Monday 31 May 2010

How to know you're obsessed with . . .


When you know every line that she says in an interview/movie

Your wall is covered in pictures of her

You buy clothes because you think she would get them

You're always looking for new pictures of her.

You buy rings based on what you think she would like

You google her every day

You tie your shirts in to a knot

You get your hair cut like her's

You listen to every band she's ever mentioned and download tonnes of their songs.

You start to act a bit like her


All you talk about is him and if someone talks about another guy you try to get back to talkin about him.

Your wall is just pictures of him and no-one else.

You've seen ALL of his films

He smiles and you smile at him

He laughs at you laugh, even though you don't know what he's laughing at.

You've watched all his interviews at least 5 times.

You've save every picture of him on your computer

You always listen to 'Let me sign' and 'Never Think' even if they're not your type of music

You listen to bands/artists he likes.

You just watch his parts in Harry Potter and New Moon


Ballet studios give you the creeps.

Every time you hear thunder you think of Baseball and the Cullens

You act clumsy to be like Bella

You look on the roads for Volvo's and look to see if they're silver and every time you see a silver one you feel happy inside.

You treasure all your books, and panic if you think you've lost one.

At least twice a day you think of Twilight

You can tell where someone is in the book by glancing at the top line on the page.

You use pale foundation and get as pale as you can.

You go as a vampire on Hallowween.

You googled adrenaline rush

Every time you get a paper cut you think of Jasper

There you go, are you obsessed fully?

I think I am, Ive got pretty much all of these, hope you enjoyed :)

Sunday 30 May 2010

Why Do They Hate Kristen Stewart?

Why do people hate K-Stew, is it because:

She's a bad actress?

She get's to kiss Robert Pattinson/Edward Cullen?

She's shy and awkward?

She smokes?

She sometimes seems ungrateful for awards etc?

She doesn't show much emotion?

She never smiles?

She's selfish?

She doesn't care about her fans?

She's nervous?

People like Perez Hilton hate her so you feel you have to?

She stutters?

Right then, I think that's a big list, and to be honest they are all little pathetic and petty things, everyone is different and you cant't judge until you're perfect, which no-one is.

Bad actress- Per-lease! I'd like to you do better! She's starred in so many films in a huge variety, such as Horror, Biopic, Singing, Dancing, Comedy, Thriller and Romance.

Get's to kiss Edward/Robert - You. Are. Just. Jealous and that is pathetic!

Shy and awkward - So what? Everyone is shy when they're in a room infront of thousands of people accepting awards and knowing everyone will listen to her every word and post it everywhere if she says one little thing wrong!

Smokes- So? Thousands of people smoke every day, you don't judge them!

Ungrateful - No she's not, if you see her in some interviews, she's so passinnate and cares about what she does and the fact that people genuinely love her work and what she is doing, she's not ungrateful at all.

No emotion - If you're in a room full of people shouting at you with a camera, you're not going to beam are you? And you're not exactly going to yell at them, maybe it's how she deals with it all.

Never smiles - Yes. She. Does.

Selfish - As if! She's helped so many charities and campaigns, such as: For security on Campus (Association against sexual assault on campus), Annual march against diseases related to diabetes, The American Red Cross, delegation Haiti.

Doesn't care about her fans - I think she does, even when she's coming off set and going to her hotel and there's fans, she'll stop and sign autogrpahs for them and at the BAFTA's she had to stop signing autographs for fans, and you could see she hated to stop and dissapoint them after they waited for so long.

Nervous - Again, so? Everyone's nervous when they're facing a huge crowd of people and they're expected to say something from the top of their heads, of course you'd be nervous.

Other people hate her - Just because people like Perez Hilton think it's good to hate her and that they hate her, doesn't mean you have to, doesn't mean you have to follow the crowd, make your own mind up, if you like her then like her, it doesn't matter if other people do or don't, that's their view.

Stutters - So? I stutter all the time, people don't judge me for it, she only wants to think of a good answer for a question so that she's true and honest to it.

That's all I've got to say, hope you enjoyed it :)

Monday 24 May 2010



Im new on here and I saw a number of people making blogs and writing blogs, so I thought I would give it a go. This blog is mostly going to be about twilight or other things I love or things that I hate :)

First of all I love Twilight and Rob and Kristen or 'Robsten'

I personally think they are together, no-one can deny it, just look at the way they act around each other, the way they look at each other and of course THAT hand holding picture and of course she went all the way Budapest for her birthday to be with Rob!
And I also don't see why people hate K-Stew, personally I think she's great and people just hate her because she's dating Rob and they're not. For example I've got this mate who hates her and I'm just like 'It's because she's dating him" and she tries to defend herself but it is clearly that.

Secondly K-Stew is an amazing actress, and no-one can deny that, otherwise she wouldn't have won countless of awards for her acting skills. Thirdly everyone complains she never smiles, YES SHE DOES! She always smiles, take these pictures for example:

And maybe sometimes she doesn't smile because some fuckers are following her around getting close up to her with a camera and taking pictures of her for money!
Oh and another thing, I think it's so weird how when Taylor got all buffed up, then they loved him, personally I think that's pathetic just because he's got a six pack and some muscles. I love Rob personally :)
Well that's all Ive got to say for now :)
Bye. x